Please call the Fletcher Miller School attendance line at 303-982-7195 if your child will be absent, late or leaving early. This allows staff to adjust building support and account for all students each day.
Relaying a student’s absence through transportation, classroom staff or the clinic staff does not allow for timely and consistent communication.
The Fletcher Miller preschool program opens its doors for student drop-off at 8:50 a.m. and 12:50 p.m. Parents can access the building at 8:45 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. for student drop-off.
The JTS program starts at 7:30am. All students will be on the bus or picked up by parents by 2:30pm.
The kindergarten through 12th grade and Lighthouse programs are met by staff at 8:55 a.m. Based on our students' needs, instruction in classrooms may not start until 9:05 or 9:10 a.m. depending on the specific needs in each classroom.
School dismissal begins around 3:40 p.m. so buses can be loaded as close to 3:50 p.m. as possible.
Parents picking up students can sign their students out and wait in the lobby. We ask that parents please make every effort to pick up their child by 3:50 p.m.
If you are running late, please contact the office at 303-982-7200.
Attendance in Jeffco
The importance of regular, daily school attendance as a basis for academic achievement cannot be overemphasized. Attendance is a shared responsibility of the student, the families and the school.
It is the family’s responsibility to ensure their student attends school and to notify the school when their student is absent for a legitimate reason, such as an illness or family emergency. Each family should also ensure their student’s school has their correct contact information so that the school is able to communicate about any attendance issues that may arise.
Contact Us
Attendance line: 303-982-7195